"The best way to deal with rodent infestations is not to have them in the first place." - CRRU
The Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use has a code of best practice that advises the use of a concept known as 'risk hierarchy.'
This means that those intending to use any rodent control method, or combination of methods, should first consider their risks. These include risk to humans, domesticated animals, non-target animals and the environment.
In practice, the use of the risk hierarchy requires that the least severe method/methods (i.e. having least risk) should be used, provided there is a reasonable expectation that the resultant operation will achieve the results required. Generally those methods that do not employ a rodenticide, such as improved site hygiene and proofing of buildings, are likely to present less risk than those that require a rodenticide.
At the top of the treatment hierarchy pyramid is proofing. Some properties have historic and repeated rodent invasions, but are in such poor condition that they effectively declare 'Welcome!' to any rodents on an exploration mission.
The CRRU made this comment about proofing: "Although they may be costly and require frequent maintenance, measures to prevent the ingress of rodents into buildings provide a long-term solution to rodent problems and are usually without adverse environmental impacts. These measures should always be implemented where practicable."
There are a number of approaches to infestation avoidance:
Exclusion - keep rodents out of vulnerable buildings by taking action to secure any faults or weaknesses in the property that might be exploited by rodents.
Denial of food and water - removing access to a rodent's basic needs acts as a deterrent.
Denial of harbourage - Within and around buildings the availability of a wide range of materials will provide habitat for rodents. All these areas require attention if sites are to be made less attractive to rodents as places to live and breed.
Three Counties Pest Control make advice on proofing a vital part of our service to you. When you first call us out, our survey will include guidance on how to protect your property from invasion or re-invasion. We are able to provide small proofing works directly and can arrange for more substantial works if needed.