Why is it important to establish what type of mouse we're dealing with?
As we transition into autumn, pest controllers receive increasing requests to deal with mouse invasions.
What is the difference between a house and a field mouse?
As you can see from the image, the field mouse has a white underside and has larger eyes and ears than its counterpart.
Why is it important to establish what type of mouse we're dealing with?
The house mouse poses a far more pernicious problem than the field mouse. As the name suggests, it is more likely to invade and infest a house. Unlike the field mouse, but like the Norway rat, this creature is commensal. This is a term that means "sharing one's table." These rodents live off humans, but create considerable risk to health and properties.
The field mouse can be controlled by proofing and trapping, but legislation forbids the use of rodenticide.
Pest controllers do have the option of poison when it comes to house mouse control, so the question of what type of mouse is in your property needs to be established.
Three Counties Pest Control can help with mouse problems. Charges are £70 per visit.