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Why get rid of a mole, why it's there and humane control
Why get rid of a mole?
Ian Andrew, the BPCA Chief Executive once wrote: "A rat can live freely as a rat wherever it chooses, so can a mouse, fly, cockroach, ant, flea or bird. It’s only when its location brings potential harm to us that the word ‘pest’ starts to apply. Being a pest is conditional on whatever risk exists."
He didn't mention the incredible mole, but the same reasoning applies. So surely there are two answers to the question:
You don't act to get rid of the mole because you accept it as part of nature, respect its existence and its impact on you and your property is minimal. Sometimes molehills may appear, then there is nothing, but you understand that maybe the soil type of your property produces insufficient worms and grubs and the visitor goes elsewhere to a better option - no need to take action.
Moles move tons of earth in their 3 to 6 year lifespan. Some sources state a single mole can tunnel up to 18 feet per hour or 20 metres per day in suitable soil. So there can be considerable damage to a garden and land. The ground can become unstable, creating safety risks. It might therefore be prudent or incumbent on a property or business owner to remove the creature/s.
Why is it there?
At 33 days the young mole leaves its mother and home tunnel completely. Its sole purpose is to eat worms and grubs and in the process can do immense damage to lawns, flower beds and vegetable gardens.
The molehill becomes manifest when the tunnel is created. It uses its spade-like paws to push forward soil and debris until it can no longer be moved. This is cleared by pushing it up a vertical tunnel and thus the appearance of the molehill.
How are moles controlled humanely?
Three Counties Pest Control Ltd are trained mole catchers and only employ humane trapping methods. As full servicing members of the BPCA we strictly adhere to their codes of best practice relating to moles.
We do not use gases, poisons or live capture techniques. Rather we use the best quality traps made in the UK for the UK's high standards of humaneness. Cheap traps will injure moles but traps designed and developed by professional mole catchers and pest control suppliers dispatch the creature without suffering.
Check out our mole catching page by clicking the button below: